Woolworths Kings Meadows – Remove Friable Asbestos
Project Type
Complex Friable Asbestos Removal
About The Project
Woolworths Kings Meadows is a prominent shopping complex within the Kings Meadows shopping precinct. The store is open form 6am – 10pm daily giving Mendelssohn a limited time frame to access for removal of 190m² of Non-Friable asbestos including 1690 kg of decontamination waste and 500kg of Friable asbestos including decontamination waste.
Due to the proximity of the public and retail stores all works had to be carried out on night shifts and completed areas restored and cleared prior to opening the previous day for business. This was a challenge in itself, but did not deter Mendelssohn’s workers. All works were carried out according to plan with no interruption to the daily operations of the Woolworths and their staff and customers.
The external façade at the front of the store required 120m2 of bonded asbestos to be removed creating 1000 kg of decontaminated waste for disposal. In order to complete the process 2 mobile scaffolding and a scissor lift unit were required. Due to the volume and restrictive time frames removal was required to be completed in 2 stages.
The refrigeration plant room had friable asbestos exposure in the pipe connector lagging, these were in poor condition with significant weathering and minor breakages requiring immediate removal. The area was isolated and encapsulated and negative air area was established on one side of the enclosure with a zip access to the other. A vent flap was created for cross flow ventilation with the decontamination and bagging of 500kg of decontaminated waste taking place within the chamber. Control monitoring was conducted throughout removal process.
The public and staff toilets had 70m² of non-friable asbestos sheeting behind the tiles in the bathrooms which required a wet removal process and created 690kg of decontamination waste for disposal. In order to access the sheeting all tiles had to be removed and the affected area treated prior to clearance monitoring which was conducted following removal.
Mendelssohn Construction performed all asbestos removals for this project, given the central location of the shopping complex the process for all removals had to be meticulously planned, timed and coordinated to allow for ease of access and reduced risk of exposure to the public and the construction contractors.